Program Services

We Care For You

The over-arching theme of Women, Children & Families United program services is to create living conditions that are favorable to the well-being of thriving neighborhoods, communities, and most importantly, children and families.  Our methodology is multi-dimensional. While advocating for and actively engaging in strategies to change the systems that perpetuate generational poverty and oppression, we provide holistic supportive services to under-served, marginalized at-risk populations in order to support, empower, transform and sustain. 

Clients come to W.C.F.U. for services through various channels – walk-in; referral from other agencies; by appointment, etc. They are typically underserved individuals and/or families who fall at or below the 200% Federal Poverty Line. They are generally experiencing complications that fall in any one or a combination of the following categories: Economic, emotional and social challenges; and/or health and safety issues.

Shocking Statistics

  • Michigan has one of the highest rates of gun homicides of Black people.  Compared with other states, Michigan ranks 21st when it comes to overall gun homicides – a rate slightly above the national average.  Gun homicides in [Michigan] disproportionately affect Black communities.  While Black people represent only 15% of the state population, they suffer 79% of gun homicides. 
  • Childhood poverty in Detroit has increased by approximately 10% since 2010, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2015 it was reported that the percentage of children under the age of 18 living in poverty in Detroit was 57.1%.  This is compared to 46.9 in 2010 and 33.9 in 2000.
  • In the U.S., 33% of African American children and 25% of Hispanic children live in poverty – 200-300% higher than the rate for Caucasian children.
  • Statistically speaking, Caucasians have lower rates of chronic diseases and conditions. They also report better overall health than African Americans and Hispanics. African Americans and Hispanics are also under-insured at a much higher rate.

Family Focused Supportive Services Infused with Spirituality

Client-centered service delivery focused on meeting the basic and dire needs of individuals and families.  Service provisions include:  Holistic needs assessment and case management; development of a comprehensive service plan focused on the four areas (emotional, physical, spiritual, financial) of well-being; children and youth services; lifelong learning strategies; learning-based exploratory group and individual counseling sessions; budgeting and financial management strategies; vocational, employment and employability services; resource referrals; food and clothing assistance; women specific services; violence and crime prevention strategies.


  • Women Educated, Transformed & Empowered (W.E.T.E.) – Helping to empower low-income women of color to reach their full potential through the attainment of life-long learning strategies and gainful employment. through the process of changing their H.A.T. (habits, attitude/associations, thoughts).
  • Summer School Enrichment for Pre-K through 5th grade – Promoting reading, writing and math literacy; helping students practice mindfulness and prosocial behavior strategies; breakfast and lunch provided, and much more!
  • STOP. THINK. DIS-ARM. (S.T.D.A.) – A sensory-influenced crime and violence prevention program focused on addressing the epidemic of crime and violence in our neighborhoods and communities. Coming soon!


  • We Care For You (Children and Youth Services) – designed to inspire a greater sense of self-respect; positive self-image; pro-social behavior in cross cultural settings; and exposure to unrealized opportunities for inner city youth outside the constraints and mediocrity of their day-to-day living environment; and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) cross-cultural enrichment and tutoring services.
  • Drop-in Support – helping under-served individuals avoid the added burden of service gaps by eliminating barriers that prohibit equal access to services, resources and opportunities e.g., support and assistance with navigating social systems and processes; completing business forms, documents, applications, and articulating their needs and/or concerns effectively, etc.
  • Advocacy and Activism – Developing strategies and community initiatives focused on enhancing the public’s understanding of diversity, inclusion and race consciousness. Raising awareness of the benefits racial cohesiveness; advocating for socioeconomic justice that warrants advantageous but equal access to resources, services and opportunities for marginalized communities of color.
  • Provision of basic necessities and resource referrals.